
Showing posts from January, 2013


(Disclosure: I am in no way bashing single parents in my post tonight. To those of you who have had to separate due to safety, may God bless you as you continue to play one of the most important roles that are out there.) Today at work I over heard a co-worker who also attends the church that I am the student pastor at discussing the concept of children needing both a mother and a father. She was adamant in explaining the importance of marriage and how God didn't create the roles of a mother and father for no reason and how vitally important it is for a child to have his or her parents together... The other co-worker seemed to be on the side that it doesn't matter if both parents are involved or not, what matters is that the child grows up in a house hold full of love... I came from a broken home. I have had to bear the baggage for the past 29 years of never having my mother and father together. I don't have a single memory of seeing both of my parents hugging e...

Man Card...

I am a huge fan of musicals... There is something about the music, lyrics, acting, dancing, and story line that always have me on the edge of my seat. Last week my wife and I went to go see the movie Le Misérables. It was outstanding. If you haven't seen it yet I want to encourage you to go as soon as possible. My wife and I both enjoyed the film and yes, I cried about three times while watching the movie. The next day I shared with my friends as well as some of my students my feelings about the movie and some of them made comments such as: "That movie is for girls, Where's your man card, and that movie was one of the most boring movies ever." (that last statement came from a 17 year old) While I'd like to consider myself to be pretty tough skinned about stuff like this, their comments had me thinking especially the one about the man card. So I thought to myself, what is a man card? What does having a man card give me access to? But more importantly ...