
(Disclosure: I am in no way bashing single parents in my post tonight. To those of you who have had to separate due to safety, may God bless you as you continue to play one of the most important roles that are out there.)

Today at work I over heard a co-worker who also attends the church that I am the student pastor at discussing the concept of children needing both a mother and a father.

She was adamant in explaining the importance of marriage and how God didn't create the roles of a mother and father for no reason and how vitally important it is for a child to have his or her parents together...

The other co-worker seemed to be on the side that it doesn't matter if both parents are involved or not, what matters is that the child grows up in a house hold full of love...

I came from a broken home.

I have had to bear the baggage for the past 29 years of never having my mother and father together.

I don't have a single memory of seeing both of my parents hugging each other, kissing each other, or holding each others hands.

I don't have a memory of my parents tucking me into bed at night, or cheering me on together at my baseball games.

I grew up not knowing any of that and I know the damage that it has done to me.

I truly believe that it is vital for children to have their parents married and living together.

When this happens it brings a forefront of blessings to your house.

It is healthy.

It is safe.

It is love.

I am in no way trying to bash my parents for not being able to settle their differences and honor God with their relationship with one another. In fact I hope that they both know how much I love them and appreciate every single thing they have done for me.

I believe that they tried their best in raising me from different states thousands of miles away. But in all honesty, what kind of parenting can you effectively do from that distance?

I write this because I see lots of people continuing to make this same mistake without realizing the consequences that this can cause in the future of the child.

The brokenness.

The questions.

The pain from wondering if it's your fault.

It sucks.

My wife and I both came from broken homes and have first hand witnessed the emotional damage and baggage that occurs when parents split up and you are forced to live with one or the other. As if that was ever a fair question to ask a child.

As a married man, my wife and I have made a commitment to God and one another to stick together no matter what. I pray that we will always honor that commitment.

I pray that our children will grow up in a home that is full of love and grace.

I pray that our children will never have to experience the garbage that my wife and I went through.

I pray that our children will grow up and do the same with their spouses and their children.

I pray that marriages and families all over the world that are hurting would be reconciled back to God because He is the only one that can bring the true healing that those of us who have experienced this type of excruciating pain need.

If you are reading this blog and are married, please honor your spouse and your family.

If you are single and reading this blog, please honor your future spouse and your family.

Everyone please honor God with everything...


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