In the beginning...

It all started with this:

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For some of us this was the scariest moment of our lives. Putting our hearts out on the line, hoping like crazy that the girl would check yes.

Dating used to be so simple...

We would pen this innocent note, get the response back from the girl and if she checked yes,  you would hang out with her on the black top, push her on a swing and if she was real special you would share your handi-snacks cheese and crackers with her...

Today? Not so much.

Now we are acting like we are married even though we aren't.
Dating has gone from being something that was so simple to something that has no boundaries at all.

What happened to the fun days of playing in the jungle gym? Or skating together at the skating rink?

Why is is that now we have become so careless in our relationships that we are breaking every rule that there is out there?

Men, It's time to re-invent the dating scene...
Notice that I used the word men, instead of guys up there. There are too many guys out there. Guys that don't want to commit. Who want to "test drive" the vehicle before buying it. We need to fix this. We need to be the men that God wants us to be.

How do we fix this?
How about setting up boundaries? How about respecting the rules? How about keeping your eyes on her eyes and not on places that are reserved for God and her husband?

These are all beginning pieces but if we apply these small steps, they will lead us a long way.

Try it and see what happens...


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