My first what?

I remember it like it was yesterday. The moment every boy dreams of.

My first kiss...

You see I wish that I could sit here and tell you a story of how amazing it was. Of how perfect the moment was. How the mood was right and my game was tight. But that would all be a lie.

Instead of it being romantic and sweet, it was more like a sporting event.

Now before you unfollow me, please allow me to elaborate.

She was a friend of mine and we had a lot of the same friends. We would all play together and hang out and it was all good. We even told one another that we liked the other. It was all fun and cute. That was until middle school...

When we got to middle school it got really weird.  Our friends were telling us that we needed to kiss because that is what boys and girls who "like" each other were supposed to do.

One day after school I rode my bike to her complex and there were about ten of us hanging out. I remember feeling like I was being set up for something but not sure what. Out of the blue she asks me to go for a walk and all I remember were people chanting, "KISS! KISS! KISS!"

So I close my eyes and lean in. She then leans in and I remember our lips touching and thought, "ok I'm cool."

Then she slipped her tongue in my mouth and I remember opening my eyes and freaking out!

I felt so disgusting.

I wanted to barf.

I never wanted to see her again.

I ran and grabbed my bike and rode all the way home.

I don't know why I reacted that way, or what it was that freaked me out. I just remember telling myself that was gross.

I was 12.

The next day I saw her at school and walked the opposite direction, never to speak to her again.

So that right there guys is how you DON'T WANT YOUR FIRST KISS TO GO!

Want to know how it should go? Check back in a couple of days for that one.

Any body want to share their first kiss experience?


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