
(The following post was originally written on Sep. 22nd, 2014. I am transferring it over here from my previous blog site.)
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I have never been mistaken for being a patient person. Most of the time I am in a hurry to get to the next task, next location, or next adventure. I have never, EVER, been a fan of waiting...
I HATE waiting...
Waiting on the cable guy to show up, waiting for my name to be called at the doctors office, waiting for a pizza that takes longer than 30 minutes to arrive. You get the picture.
Patience has never been one of my strong points. It is a straight up struggle for me to wait for something to happen.
Which is why this current season of my life is rough...
I am currently in a holding pattern. I have been told by God Himself to slow down and wait... (Cue the reason for my anxiety.)
I have always been a big supporter and believer of the importance of obedience in the life of a Christ follower, and yet here I am struggling with being obedient during this season of life.
But why?
Because I need to be doing stuff, I need to be out there, I need to know that I bring something to the table.
And yet I struggle as my current job and school work, doesn't fulfill my heart as much as being in vocational ministry does.
I know what you are thinking right now: "But Andrew, every job is a ministry." Not when you've been in bible college and graduated with a degree and were told day in and day out that for five years that working in the local church is the only way to do ministry.
So I guess you can say that I am currently detoxing from that mindset and it is rough. I know that I will be ok, I know that I will get through this, but the waiting part....
Not cool bro...


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