
What is a dream? Is a dream really just a state of mind that we all fall into when we are sleeping and  a myriad of images and scenes jump in and out of our subconscious like an episode of Saturday Night Live?

Or is a dream supposed to be something more....


Have you ever felt like there has to be more to life than the mundane, everyday repetition of waking up, going to work/school, coming home, eating, working some more, going to bed and starting it all over the next day?

We all go through this phase at least  once while we are in our twenties. I being in my "ahem" late twenties hit this process about two weeks ago and thought surely there has got to be more than this?

God has more for me then what I am doing right now...

One of my dreams has always been to write a book. Writing has been one of my hobbies since I was a child and I have always been good at it. My dad has even said that he enjoys and appreciates my writingIn my early twenties I used to write about a lot of different things while at airports in between flights. Now since I am married and in ministry I haven't really had as much of a desire to write until two weeks ago. 

God wants me to write for Him...

I want to write. I want  to communicate various Godly principles and promises. I don't know where this is going or what's going to happen, but what I do know is this: I am beginning to live out my dream while following God and learning that He has more for me that what I could have ever imagined. I pray that you would join me on this journey. It's gonna be fun.


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