
Showing posts from February, 2015


What defines me? I have asked myself this question for a while now. I am currently in the middle of a season in life that I didn't plan on being in and am going through some growing pains. The funny part is that this season isn't really all that bad. It just isn't what I had planned... I have spent most of my time during this season trying to seek out what it is that God is calling me to do and in the process I've also been trying to find out who I really am. I've spent time thinking about my past.... Thinking about my future... Thinking about my current place in life... And what I have found out is that my identity isn't found in a season of life. It isn't found in a career choice, its found in who God has called me to be... And I think that right there is where my struggle begins because sometimes, I don't know who God is calling me to be. (That's tweet-able) Can you smell what I'm stepping in? It is so hard for us to kn