
(The following post was originally written on Nov. 24th, 2014. I am transferring it over here from my previous blog site.) Photo Credt As I sat in the familiar chair… (You know the one. You sit in every Sunday when you attend your local worship gathering.) I expected to sing some songs, say what up to some neighbors, and hear a message from the pastor. What I didn’t expect was to be challenged to my core. Think about that…. (How sad is it that I was going to church and not expecting to be challenge? Anyways that’s another blog for another time.) As our pastor was preaching he challenged the congregation to read through the book of 1 John this week. Seems simple enough right? I mean its only five chapters and I can do one a day. Too easy right? The issue here is not just reading the five chapters, it’s that for the past 8 Sunday’s I have felt God asking me to do something that honestly, I have been too lazy to do. I want to do it, but I don’t. (Side note, I think P...