
Showing posts from May, 2015

Authenticity... Is it a catch phrase that we use, or does it define our lives?

Authenticity is a word that is very "scene" right now. Everyone is throwing the word around due to its popularity. And you know what? I can understand that.  I mean if something is catchy, don't we want to make sure that we promote it, establish it and reflect it?  Of course we do.  But in the midst of marketing campaigns and new slogans, there is one big question that I don't see being answered. Are we really living authentic lives? Or are we just using that word because it is a word that draws in our culture today. I ask that question because I see it talked about, but I don't really see it being lived out.  And I mean, I can understand why many of us, especially some of us church leaders, don't want to truly be authentic.  Because being authentic, hurts. For the past two years, I've worked hard on getting better at being authentic with the people that I lead with and lead over as well as my family and friends. I've adopted


Does anyone else struggle with spending time with God in the morning? Let me explain... For as long as I can remember, we have been told that in order for growth as a Christ follower to occur, we must have a consistent devotional time with Jesus in which we wake up early, spend time in prayer, read some scripture and reflect on what God is revealing to us during that time. And while I understand and respect that some people work that way but for me that has always been a struggle.  It's an even bigger struggle right now being that I am a stay at home dad and I have my 18 month old running all over the house, climbing on everything, and throwing everything as well.  What ends up happening is I don't get to have my quiet time in the morning because honestly, I'm tired... I like to sleep in till 7:30 by which I am greeted not by my alarm clock but by my screaming toddler asking for water.(Its really cute by the way.) I then feel guilty because part of my day goe