
Does anyone else struggle with spending time with God in the morning?

Let me explain...

For as long as I can remember, we have been told that in order for growth as a Christ follower to occur, we must have a consistent devotional time with Jesus in which we wake up early, spend time in prayer, read some scripture and reflect on what God is revealing to us during that time. And while I understand and respect that some people work that way but for me that has always been a struggle. 

It's an even bigger struggle right now being that I am a stay at home dad and I have my 18 month old running all over the house, climbing on everything, and throwing everything as well. 

What ends up happening is I don't get to have my quiet time in the morning because honestly, I'm tired... I like to sleep in till 7:30 by which I am greeted not by my alarm clock but by my screaming toddler asking for water.(Its really cute by the way.) I then feel guilty because part of my day goes by and I don't usually get time in with God until noon. 

So I was doing some thinking about this, and all of my stay at home parents I hope that you find rest in this thought...

God doesn't want me feeling guilty about not getting up at the butt crack of dawn to spend time with Him. 

God wants me to be satisfied with Him at all times. 

I think the guilt comes from us as a society placing emphasis and importance on certain things that don't really apply to all people. 

Some people like to wake up when its dark. Fantastic.

I dont...

And you know what?

Come in a little closer...

I have a secret to tell you...


It's okay that I don't...

God still loves me, and He totally understands my life season. 

If my only time to get in my devotional time is during my child's nap, I am pretty sure that it is ok...

So the next time you begin to feel guilty about not waking up early and being a "super hero christian," just remember that God isn't upset at you for not doing your Devos in the am. 



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