
Showing posts from October, 2012

I wish.

I wish that this was my first kiss... I love my wife with every fiber of me. I wish with everything that I could have waited for her in every aspect.  Unfortunately I didn't. You see if my lips had frequent flyer miles, I'd probably be able to circle the entire world twice without paying a single cent.  I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying it because its the truth.  Here's the other harsh reality.  My lips have kissed women who are now married and have husbands and children.  Wow. We don't really think of things like that do we? I didn't. As a teenager and young adult I just wanted to kiss girls. I loved to make out. I didn't think anything wrong with it at all. Except for the fact that when we do kiss our minds start racing and the temperature starts rising. And when that happens, our thoughts start to wander towards places that they shouldn't be going until marriage.  But back then that wasn't my thin

Man up.

A friend of mine wrote a blog today calling hickeys the original tramp stamp. If you want to read that blog I would strongly encourage you to do so  here. You see I'm a little tired of the guys of our generation. After reading this blog I felt compelled to address this issue with guys . The reason why I am calling out guys right now is because there are too many guys  and not enough men.  Guys are the ones that do things like this. Guys are the reason why there are tramps out there. Guys are   the ones who are irresponsible and who have fed off of weak willed women for too long. I remember back in the day when my "boys" would be proud of the fact that the gave their girl a hickey. Seriously bro, what is so cool about sucking someones neck so hard that they get a red mark out of it? That girl is not your girl. You didn't create her. You don't own her. She is not a piece of property. She is someone's daughter. She is someone's future wife. S

My first what?

Photo Credit I remember it like it was yesterday. The moment every boy dreams of. My first kiss... You see I wish that I could sit here and tell you a story of how amazing it was. Of how perfect the moment was. How the mood was right and my game was tight. But that would all be a lie. Instead of it being romantic and sweet, it was more like a sporting event. Now before you unfollow me, please allow me to elaborate. She was a friend of mine and we had a lot of the same friends. We would all play together and hang out and it was all good. We even told one another that we liked the other. It was all fun and cute. That was until middle school... When we got to middle school it got really weird.  Our friends were telling us that we needed to kiss because that is what boys and girls who "like" each other were supposed to do. One day after school I rode my bike to her complex and there were about ten of us hanging out. I remember feeling like I was being set up fo

In the beginning...

It all started with this: Photo Credit For some of us this was the scariest moment of our lives. Putting our hearts out on the line, hoping like crazy that the girl would check yes. Dating used to be so simple... We would pen this innocent note, get the response back from the girl and if she checked yes,  you would hang out with her on the black top, push her on a swing and if she was real special you would share your handi-snacks cheese and crackers with her... Today? Not so much. Now we are acting like we are married even though we aren't. Dating has gone from being something that was so simple to something that has no boundaries at all. What happened to the fun days of playing in the jungle gym? Or skating together at the skating rink? Why is is that now we have become so careless in our relationships that we are breaking every rule that there is out there? Men, It's time to re-invent the dating scene... Notice that I used the word men, instead of g


What is a dream? Is a dream really just a state of mind that we all fall into when we are sleeping and  a myriad of images and scenes jump in and out of our subconscious like an episode of Saturday Night Live? Or is a dream supposed to be something more.... More .... Have you ever felt like there has to be more to life than the mundane, everyday repetition of waking up, going to work/school, coming home, eating, working some more, going to bed and starting it all over the next day? We all go through this phase at least  once while we are in our twenties. I being in my "ahem" late twenties hit this process about two weeks ago and thought surely there has got to be more than this? God has  more  for me then what I am doing right now... One of my dreams has always been to write a book. Writing has been one of my hobbies since I was a child and I have always been good at it. My dad has even said that he enjoys and appreciates my writing .  In my early