I wish.

I wish that this was my first kiss... I love my wife with every fiber of me. I wish with everything that I could have waited for her in every aspect. Unfortunately I didn't. You see if my lips had frequent flyer miles, I'd probably be able to circle the entire world twice without paying a single cent. I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying it because its the truth. Here's the other harsh reality. My lips have kissed women who are now married and have husbands and children. Wow. We don't really think of things like that do we? I didn't. As a teenager and young adult I just wanted to kiss girls. I loved to make out. I didn't think anything wrong with it at all. Except for the fact that when we do kiss our minds start racing and the temperature starts rising. And when that happens, our thoughts start to wander towards places that they shouldn't be going until marriage. But back then that wasn't my thin...